City Road Master Plan
The master plan proposes a series of capital works projects, with an estimated total implementation cost of $38.5 million over a seven year period. The main east-west artery for Southbank is City Road which is often heavily congested with traffic that carries through to Power and Queensbridge Streets. These streets are at capacity due to lack of planning and aggressive development of the area.
City Road is the preferred route for placarded trucks which are not permitted in the Burnley and Domain tunnels and also for livestock trucks. These trucks create a variety of concerns to local residents and businesses.
The master plan has been prepared in partnership with VicRoads, the authority responsible for management of the carriageway. VicRoads support the final master plan and will continue working with the City of Melbourne on its implementation.
The master plan aims to improve the environmental sustainability of City Road through achieving urban forest and permeability objectives, while helping to respond to flooding issues in Southbank through water sensitive urban design.
The master plan also aims to improve the amenity of the street by encouraging more people to walk, cycle and take public transport, consistent with the Transport Strategy 2012.
A range of funding sources will be considered throughout the implementation of the City Road Master Plan, including Capital Works budgets, the Bike Plan budget, the Parking Levy, public open space contributions and development contributions.
We encourage you to take a look at the proposed City Road Master Plan approved by Council for public consultation.